Tuesday, 30 July 2013


So far in our planning  (Lord willing) our agenda is loose. From  Sept 3 - Dec 3, what we have established as a basic framework looks like this . September we focus on Jerusalem and the appointed feast days and Sabbaths . October is dedicated to service, and in November we tour the country  (more on those later).

For now, we have acquired with some help on the ground (thanks Kathy De Gagne) a beautiful private studio apt with an awesome courtyard.  we are very excited about this because we can now set up a sukkah for the feast of tabernacles . when I first the photos my heart did a little leap and I knew it was the one! Although it was touch and go for a while after we were told it was available , because then we were informed the landlords son may use it at that time and they couldn't confirm right away because he was traveling! TRUST GOD , TRUST GOD, TRUST GOD, that was on my mind for 2 whole days, yet really with shalom in my heart about it. It was kind of exciting to be stretched that way. I liked the way He put the desire in my heart and tested my faith and still gave us the perfect place. Hallelujah!

   This place seems so ideal we are thanking God big time for it ...we  can stay till Oct 5th. It has a loft bedroom  and pull out couches, a full bathroom , a/c and best of all Wi-Fi ! its interesting that it is a dairy only kitchen because I don't even eat dairy other than the occasional cheese, maybe we will have to bbq outside? We will be within walking distance of markets and all the city trappings, especially the cafes.  yea! you know how we like our coffee.

Saturday, 27 July 2013


Well its 37 days till we leave and our focus is all about packing well and the little things. Zoe is applying for a credit card for the first time 'just in case'. I just learned how to blog for all our non-facebook fans. So if you are reading this chances are you fit that description. I now have to learn about things like  drop box or Picasa and does anyone out there know how I determine if my flat iron can run on 220 volts?