Tuesday, 12 November 2013


So in typical Canadian speech I want to say SORRY for not bloging sooner .  we left the desert and it has been only up till now that I can sit quietly and blog .

here is what has happened in the desert and uptill now.
we finished up our time there and it was really hard to leave the friends we had made there. It was not hard to leave the flies , mud, sand,  and scorching sun I did not make friends with them!. I believe I have a brand new appreciation for all who chose this way of life and for all the story's in the bible that are in the desert.  I know I can relate a better then I did before I came.  I really truly admirer the folks at desert days and all they are doing , you can find out more here at this link.http://www.desert-days.co.il/index.php?lang=English&page=desert_accommodation  

 Zoe's handy work

I got to drive  for the first time in Israel. I drove the crew with  bosses truck (because I was the only one over 25) to a nearby town for a nice dinner in a tent .


the last work day it rained and we had clouds the next day as well so it was perfect for one last hike before we left.

our hiking group

we hiked to this mountain

 built our inuksuk


our last Shabbat meal

our last night hanging out with the gang.

bye Stella !

After our time was up we took a trip down to Eilat.  this was an Israeli bus driver. had to get a picture our you wouldn't believe me.



This is Israel's most southern city . and is now primarily a resort town. it kinda reminded us of a mini Vegas, but with a lot less sin. you know if you have been to Vegas what I am talking about! lots of hotels and signs that light up. 
<--------- Eilat

we visted the museum and took this picture of an ink flag.

There is one photograph that commemorates the commencement of Israeli domination over the Eilat region (or rather still Um Rash Rash whan the photo was taken). This is the Ink Flag photograph, which depicts a young soldier climbing up a wooden pole to hang an improvised flag of Israel and mark the end of the Israeli War of Independence. After the area came under Israeli control in 1949, it still took some years to encourage the population to come and settle in Eilat, a forsaken city on the border with Egypt that was barely reachable by any form of transportation. However, a group of immigrant families soon agreed to make the journey and came to live in Eilat, establishing it as a small village that was soon to become a town.

you can learn more about Eilat here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eilat

we went to the coral reefs swam in the sea, it was nice but,
 it wasn't Jerusalem .

we seem to be building inuksuk's every where. this one we built on the beach as a marker for a Canadian girl we only met on facebook and she came down to the beach to meet us that day and we were sure as soon as she saw this she would know who we were.
We really couldn't wait to get back to Jerusalem. on the bus ride the closer we got to the city the more we felt like we were coming home.
 our new apartment is across the street from the first place we stayed at in Sept. and we couldn't be more happy to move in. It actually took a couple of days for us to acclimate and rest up from our adventures in the south.
our kitchen in Jerusalem .our first meal. sweet potato soup

this is our yard.

we love this neighborhood. unfortunately its over $1,000,000. for an apartment here so I don't think we will be moving in any time soon.


The plan was to have a home base in Jerusalem and go out and about Israel  touring these two weeks. we didn't want to leave home right away so we decided to stay and do a couple of things here. one of them was visit Yad Veshem. This is the holocaust museum in Jerusalem and we knew it would be very emotional to go through all the exhibits. It was ! this is a short video about the place its more than a museum.


 we weren't allowed to take pictures in side but this is outside looking in to part of the underground exhibit.

 you can learn more about it here:http://www.yadvashem.org/yv/en/about/index.asp

 we were invited out that night to take part in the celebrations in the old city. it was funny because the old city was putting on a show of medieval times ,so in other words the old city was pretending to be an old city.!  LOL
Some medieval monks jamming! 

jesters on stilts , they were 9 feet tall!.
the city does this every Thursday in November .lots of fun!
after that we decided to go up north to Sfat
(Hebrew : צְפַת Tzfat; Arabic : صف, Ṣafad, Ashkenazi: Tzfas; Biblical: Ṣ'fath, ISO 259-3: ) is a city in the Northern District of Israel. Located at an elevation of 900 metres (2,953 ft), Safed is the highest city in the Galilee and in Israel.  Due to its high elevation, Safed experiences warm summers and cold, often snowy, winters. Since the 16th century, Safed has been considered one of Judaism's Four Holy Cities, along with Jerusalem, Hebron and Tiberias; since that time, the city has remained a center of Kabbalah, also known as Jewish mysticism.
Due to its mild climate and scenic views, Safed is a popular holiday resort frequented by Israelis and foreign visitors.
 it takes 4 hours to get there from Jerusalem, but it went so fast because we were talking with our guide Yan the whole time. 
they have an old city much like Jerusalem , with the most amazing artist colony. please does any one want to contribute $ to Lisa"s Israeli art gallery located on Agate Bay in Kenora .

this is all Hebrew the book of Genesis. 

this is the tree of life created with  the first psalm all in  Hebrew .
Psalm 1  Blessed is the man who walks not in the counsel of the wicked, nor stands in the way of sinners, nor sits in the seat of scoffers;
  but his delight is in the law of the LORD, and on his law he meditates day and night.
  He is like a tree planted by streams of water that yields its fruit in its season, and its leaf does not wither. In all that he does, he prospers.
The wicked are not so, but are like chaff that the wind drives away.
Therefore the wicked will not stand in the judgment, nor sinners in the congregation of the righteous; for the LORD knows the way of the righteous, but the way of the wicked will perish.
we stayed in a very quaint inn with a old history. 

our view

 so old

loved it here.

  because it is off season we were the only ones there and it was so cheep. 
we may have to come back because I dont think we got to spend enough time there
well we are back in the city on the hill and tomorrow I am hosting a get together with a bunch of Israeli's and people from other nations, who all love Israel and  the ONE who never slumbers nor sleeps when watching her. The facilitator of this group  has written a few books and has a website that you can check out here,
the next step in this journey , lord willing is the salt sea and En Gedi
after that we go to Tel Aviv for two nights. well I will try to post sooner rather than later. thanks for being patient with such a long blog. I promise the next one will be shorter and sooner.