Thursday, 12 September 2013


well its late and I thought I would do a fast blog .
so here it is in a nut shell.
we woke up HAPPY,
went to our Holy Convocation Tour on big busses  to the garden tomb. HAPPY / WEEPY /JOYFUL.
went to Jerusalem house of prayer for all nations on the Mount of Olives in the West Bank  . very VERY HAPPY, truly an amazing place filled with anointed people praying for the nations and Israel .   On the way back to the buses there were many men trying to sell us posters one bumped into me and seriously must have had the fake third arm because he pickpocketed my smart phone , I didn't realize till I was on the bus.  by then it was too late.  UNHAPPY! everything for this trip and beyond  was on the phone!

I had no choice but to carry on with the tour to the southern steps of the temple  in the old city in the archeological park where the 1000 other people from the tour busses met up and we all sat on the steps and took in the program. of  course I had to do some scrambling with calling the cell phone company to cancel service and  some discouraging emotions and thoughts were competing for attention with the  program at hand .

12 harpists started up  with  worship music  while the Judean hills blanketed by the  city was their back drop. of course there were a few brief words of faith proclaimed by the different  nation leaders from Arab to Chinese  all were so uplifting proclaiming their love for Israel and her God. As the sun began to set and the lights of the city increasing twinkled in the dusk ,  the words expressed from the scriptures began to  calm my heart and point me to what maters most.    As all the negative  UNHAPPY feelings from this theft  rolled around in my thoughts and in my heart,  My spirit was reminded that my God loves all people  and desires for them to come to him for saving knowledge  of how He meets all our needs in this life and beyond . I know this  man who stole from me is not my enemy, but  in Gods eyes  my brother.  I think about how Christ so unjustly  suffered ,and willing  forgave and  died for us both , how  he gives mercy and grace  to the undeserving . I think about  this man and hope he will find peace with  God ,I  pray that some how my loss can be a blessing to some one even me  .I  think of the One who promises to  give perfect peace to a  heart that trusts  in him in all things  .

As we leave the place  where Jesus walked, we decide to go  home in the security of  the old city streets . my heart with every step seams to  lighten and  I enjoy the being in the streets with all the Jewish family's enjoying the evening .  As we near the Christ church I feel a draw to visit the courtyard and the  thought of the cafe's  chocolate cake and coffee I know  fortify me  for the long walk home.  well who should find  there  but our English friends! of course I have a story to tell and after  a few sympathetic words ,  we have a lot of good laughs ,HAPPINESS , all is well. 

I truly am blessed  with Shalom in my heart as I write this now .
good night



  1. Awww I just wanted to cry with you but at the end I just had to laugh loud imagine the scene of you telling them your story with all the drama! LOL I love you so much and miss you tons!! Don't let the devil steel your peace!! This was an attack of the enemy to deviate your attention from the Father's heart. Satan is a loser and in all of that you gained more knowledge of Jesus sacrifice and love for you and became more like Jesus!! I'm proud of YOU!!!

  2. Hi Lisa and Zoe:
    Give us a call, 054.931.6950, We are Leanne Morrison Freed's parents in law, We live in Netanya 20 Km North of Tel Aviv. Looking forward to speaking with you.
    Love Lucille Freed
