All these pictures I am showing are in the backbone of biblical Israel and just make the bible stories just jump off the page .Because I love the bible, I am endeared to this land how much more so the Jewish people. This is there history, their beginnings. They are settling here along side the Arab population just trying to live in peace. Here is the bus I had to ride on these two days in biblical Israel (which some call west bank). This bus had bullet proof windows and sides, a undercarriage that can withstand a bomb, and two engines in case one gets damaged. it weighed twice the amount of a normal bus.
why do you ask? Right along the same highway where we visited all these sites, the Arab population can rise up and shoot or bomb the buses they suspect Jews are riding. One of the little settlement town we visited for the Jewish people is called Rachalim, this is to honor the two Rachaels killed on busses traveling to their community. One was shot and the other bombed because she wouldn't leave with out her three children on the bus.Sadly, While we were in Judea and Samaria two young soldiers were killed . One was lured into a taxi with an Arab he knew and had worked with at a restaurant , and the other by a sniper . It was just plain murder. may they rest in peace and God comfort their families.
These are some shots from a little winery we visited form the same area , just some families trying to make a living . You can buy their olive oil , and wine only in Canada and the USA, not in Europe because Europe has banned their products in protest of Jews living in their biblical land that the Arabs are disputing about boundaries .
There is a stunning view of the three seas: Galilee in the north, the Mediterranean in the west, and the Dead Sea in the south. You can see the Mountains of Gilead, and the plains of Moab as you follow Abraham’s first entry into the land and the entry of the Israelites, generations later with Joshua.
we feel like we are on top of the world!
As you can see there is a lot of unsettled land here. It is heart warming to see where ever the Jewish people have settled the land is flourishing.
A lovely story about a wise man who owns large grocery chains stores decided to build these stores between Arab and Jewish communities. people said it wouldn't work(some peoples in communities are encouraged not to buy from Jews). these large food centres are doing well and Arab , Jews an Christians are able to buy food along side of each other in there. Every one can see that people can just be people living their lives raising a family. it is a good reminder for understanding that governments /regimes/radicals don't always represent the majority of people who just want to live in peace.
we were very blessed to visit ,
Shiloh… the spot where the Tabernacle of Moses stood for 369 years after Joshua and the Children of Israel entered the Promised Land God was to dwell with his chosen people. It was here that Hannah brought Samuel as a child, to serve God, under the High Priest, Eli. This was the central gathering place of Joshua and the Jewish nation as they prepared for battle. New archeological findings reveal the secrets of this ancient town.
I really really liked this place. all 12 tribes would come here and hang out for the holidays and they still are. So many people were here this holiday, booths set up for kids arts & crafts and games, food, music ect. so very happy ! We saw an awesome light show/movie version as to what went on here in ancient days, including Hannahs prayer. do you remember Hannah had no children and went to Shiloh with her husband and prayed in her heart with her lips moving and cried for a child. because she was in great distress the priest Eli thought she was drunk. when she told him she was praying he told her God would give her the request. well within that year she was with child and then when the boy was older she brought him back to Shiloh to serve the priest and later God raised him up to be one of the greatest prophets; Samuel. so this light show was shown in this awesome building.
Built buy a childless Jewish couple who independently of each other came here and prayed for a child and promised to give something back to this community . Sure enough within a year a baby was born (just like Hannah) and now the community has this tower! If you are ever in Israel this is a must see!
This was my favorite place to be so far. My heart is filled with love and appreciation for all God Almighty has done for me. I am blown away with the thought of him wanting to dwell (tabernacle)with us because He loves us so much.
Psa 27:6 And now shall mine head be lifted up above mine enemies round about me: therefore will I offer in his tabernacle sacrifices of joy; I will sing, yea, I will sing praises unto the LORD.
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